Find out how B-Cure Laser
can help you Ease Your Pain
B-Cure Laser is a HOME-USE medical device, most effective for treating chronic pain, orthopedic conditions, inflammation, sports injuries and wounds.
Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) treats the pain and its source, utilizing a non-invasive biostimulating treatment.
No known side-effects, with long lasting results, with as little as a few minutes use, twice a day.
Highly cost effective – one device that provides a proven solution, for all ages for the whole family.
B-Cure Laser’s efficacy for the treatment of pain and wounds has been proven in 5 double blind clinical trials.
A successful clinical trial* involving 90 patients, has shown that the efficacy of B-Cure Laser was similar to that of pain relief medication.
*Del Vecchio et al., Joint-Related Pain (TMJ), Sapinza University, Rome, Italy.

B-Cure Laser’s Clinical Trials
B-Cure Laser’s efficacy for thetreatment of pain and wounds has been proven in 5 double blind clinical trials.
TMJ Sapienza University Italy
Laminectomy Sao Paulo Hospital Brazil
Diabetic Wounds Hadassah Medical Center Israel
TMJ University of Parma Italy
Dental Implantation PERM University Russia
Dr. David Ben-Kiki, Chiropractor
Dr. Ed Shane, Rehabilitation Specialist